hye gals!
how have u all been doing? how's school.pls update me for those who see this post.
leave it as a comment.
i need ur updates to keep in touch.
sorry that i don have the time to msg u guys like what i always did last time.
i will be having a maths test tomorrow and three more presentations before my final examination.
schedule all fully pack.
either presentations or assignments if not test in most of the weeks
fyi. my nex semester break is 1-10-2009, and it will be three weeks.
i will be definitely going for teenz.
hope to see you guys that few weeks.be there kay?
but not every week i guess coz i still need to catch up with my L license.
hope to finish it asap.
will be keeping you guys in prayers. and don forget to keep charessa,melphanie,nicole ng and other grp members that can't attend teenz as that often.
p/s don slack kay? and take good care of our mama jiuan and also the two leaders.nise and hwee hua.
be supportive and that will put smiles to our faces.
God bless u guys.
miss and love you all lots.
signing off,
It's A Year Of.....
15 years ago
hey chelle! :D
first of all, good to hear from you.
sch's going okay, just that im not really satisfied with my recent monthly test results. ):
aiyaya, sounds like you're real busy lerr!
actually, i've haven't been to teenz in months already.
it just wasn't convenient, otherwise i would've attended nearly every week.
i was either away, busy, or no transport.
ultra sad! D:
i feel kinda ashamed la, always forgetting to pray.
guess i need to talk to God more often.
and God bless you too. :)
hye sue ann ya form 4 is not a honey moon year.don give up.just be consistent then you will see the results.
don stress urself too much either.
always put God ahead in your life so that he can lead you.
there's a will, there's a way=)
love <3
Hye Chelle,
I can fully identify with your situation. My sem 2 has started, both exciting and tiring. This is only the third week of classes and its like assignments(X6),
reports(X3), test(X2),
presentations(almost each lesson). JUst wanna encourage you to rely on God's strength because He will refresh you if you rely on Him. Do take good care, I'll be only be back end of October, I think so I won't get to see you
=( I do miss the cell group and hope to be back soon. Take care.^^
so glad to hear from you =)
ya i agree.tons of assignments and tests preesing on me. what to do.
all we can do is to tahan.
will be praying for you too.and the whole cg. all of us really need God's strength to pull through.
God bless in ur studies.
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