Aaron preached about true friends last Saturday. for those of you that couldnt make it for teenz last Saturday can read about the sermon here. it is just the main points.
Three stages of choosing Friends.
1. Based on where we live (our location)
2. Based on what we like (personality traits&hobby)
3. Based on what you believe
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
- we're easily influence by friends.
- friends are also will determine what we want.
- will shed by friends.
- influence the friends,influence by friends.
- ask JESUS,who is my neighbour(friends)??
rethink about your friends. Chose friends like Samaritans =]
Be true friends to another.
Three type of friendships ( Luke 10:25-37 )
1.Priest - if i help you, i'll be affected. therefore i better not to help you.
2.Levites - come over and take a look. better not to help you and just pretend to be your friend.
3.Samaritans - A friend who will commit to you!
Eight marks of a true friends
- True friend is bond to what the bible believes in friendship.
- Concern for other people not just for themselves.
- Tells you what you need to hear.
- Cares about your need,not just out of a need for your acceptance.
- Someone that gives godly counsel.
- Trustworthy.
- Treat you with respect.
- Someone that helps you fulfil your destiny.
The point of the day is not about having friends.We should start moving from having friends to being friendly.
To be people that is inclusive out of genuine spirit of love.
True friends not just read other people blog,then believe what the people say..
True friends is not easily trust others.
True friends is trustworthy.
Chose friends wisely,friends are important.
Show me your friends,then i will show you your future.
True friends will still care you..even with just an sms..
It's A Year Of.....
15 years ago
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