21 July 2008

urm~ just postin and see if i got anything wrong.. xD

Hey all~ i took this pic at the church and all of the sudden, i though of something to write about this pic...
Just posting and see if i did anything wrong.. xD
a short paragraph about this pic: It looks like everyone is green and I'm the only one here that is brown.. I should not be with them at all They'll say I'll ruin their image They'll say I'm ugly.. They'll say I'm weird.. They'll say I'm an alien.. Everyday I'm always left alone.. At the edge of the tress Everyone laughing, Playing, Smiling, And dancing... I'm all alone.. But One day, A light shine on me Just me.. It was so comfortable.. It was so touching And i realize, When the storms hits Some of my friends fell on the ground Some of my friends flew away But I'm still standing Even if I'm brown, I'm still standing... They can say anything they want... ugly weird alien brown BUT There is something about me.. I'm special everyone is special... So Are You....

1 comment:

"chelle" said...

who is night carnival?